Channel: ReliefWeb - Training Opportunities

World: Building a Better Response e-learning course

Country: World
Organization: Concern Worldwide, Harvard University, US Agency for International Development, International Medical Corps

Registration deadline: none

International Medical Corps, Concern Worldwide, and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative are pleased to announce the launch of the Building a Better Response e-learning course on the international humanitarian coordination system.

This free, online course aims to build the knowledge of NGO workers and other humanitarian actors in the international coordination system for large-scale emergencies, humanitarian leadership, basics of humanitarian funding and planning, and other areas of importance to humanitarian response.

The Building a Better Response e-learning course consists of five units:

·Foundations of Humanitarian Action

·The International Humanitarian Architecture

·The Cluster Approach

·Planning and Funding the Humanitarian Response

·International Law and Humanitarian Standards

Those who complete all five units will receive a certificate from the Humanitarian Academy at Harvard.

We encourage NGO staff, as well as other humanitarian actors, who are engaged in humanitarian response, or who may benefit from increased knowledge in order to be better prepared for future emergencies, to take this course. Together, we can improve our coordination capacity and better respond to the needs of affected populations.

To register and access the course, log-on to: www.BuildingABetterResponse.org.

A 1-minute trailer advertisement for the e-learning can be found at: http://youtu.be/RR5ykMyoAJw.

The Building a Better Response project is funded by the US Agency for International Development, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, and is implemented through a consortium of International Medical Corps, Concern Worldwide, and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. Additional questions about the project can be directed to: info@buildingabetterresponse.org.

How to register:

Access the self-paced, e-certificate course by logging in.

World: Vers une Intervention Humanitaire Plus Efficace

Country: World
Organization: Concern Worldwide, Harvard University, US Agency for International Development, International Medical Corps

RÀ propos de BBR

Le projet « Vers une intervention humanitaire plus efficace » (Building a Better Response, BBR) a pour objectif de renforcer les capacités des travailleurs d'ONG nationales et internationales et d’autres acteurs humanitaires à participer activement au système de coordination humanitaire internationale, afin d’en améliorer la coordination globale et d’optimiser la réponse aux besoins des populations affectées par des crises. Le programme, par le biais d'une approche consultative, produit des outils de renforcement des capacités, notamment ce cours de formation en ligne ainsi que des ateliers. Pour accéder à ce cours en ligne, il suffit de vous connecter. Vous pourrez suivre le cours en ligne à votre propre rythme et télécharger un certificat à son issue.

Formation en ligne

Ce cours constitue une introduction complète et pratique pour travailler avec le système de coordination humanitaire internationale. Il est gratuit, accessible à tous et vous pouvez le suivre à votre propre rythme. Le cours de formation en ligne BBR est proposé par la Humanitarian Academy at Harvard, qui est la branche éducative de l'initiative humanitaire de Harvard (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative).


Le programme BBR a été élaboré dans le cadre d'un processus consultatif auquel ont participé plus de 400 employés d'ONG nationales et internationales du monde entier. Les ateliers BBR sont organisés dans plusieurs pays du monde. Ils se déroulent de façon interactive et participative, et sont conçus pour renforcer les connaissances acquises lors de la formation en ligne. Cliquez ici pour en apprendre davantage.


Une bibliothèque avec des ressources sur les thèmes abordés par la formation BBR et les ateliers correspondants est disponible. Cliquez ici pour accéder à ces documents, sites Web et autres formations qui vous permettront de perfectionner et d’approfondir votre compréhension du système de coordination humanitaire.


Pour vous abonner à notre liste de diffusion ou vous inscrire à l'un de nos ateliers, veuillez contacter bbr@internationalmedicalcorps.org

How to register:

Se connecter à la formation en ligne

National NGO Program on Humanitarian Leadership: Online Learning Course

Organizations: Concern Worldwide, Harvard University, International Medical Corps, US Agency for International Development

The National NGO Program on Humanitarian Leadership partnership - Concern Worldwide U.S., International Medical Corps and the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative - brings together a unique combination of operational, pedagogical, and technical expertise with a deep understanding of the international humanitarian architecture and the NGO community. Since launching in 2016, NNPHL has offered leadership training to mid-career humanitarian professionals working nearly all of today's most complex emergencies. Now in its fourth year, NNPHL is excited to offer an online course that explores humanitarian leadership, management and topical issues critical to advancing humanitarian principles and alleviating suffering.

We recognize that it is difficult to acess quality online learning that focuses on leadership for humanitarians, there NNPHL has developed the NNPHL Online Course, which is publicly available at no cost.

It is our belief that anyone given the right tools can learn to improve their leadership skills. Our unique, self-guided online program is tailored to fit the needs of humanitarians, and is designed to improve humanitarian leadership, managment and technical skills.

Please spread the word within your networks and join us in making a positive impact in humanitarian practice and policy!

How to register

Go to nnphl.org/online and click the "Register" icon at the top. Once you register, you will receive a link in your email (check your spam folder if do not receive it) to activate your account.

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